Ecoinvent anuncia los resultados del proyecto “Industrias de reciclado sustentables”

We are pleased to announce that the outcomes of the Sustainable Recycling Industries (SRI) project are now available!

Since 2014, the ecoinvent Association has been a proud partner of the SRI project, an initiative funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). As the coordinator of the Life Cycle Inventories component, we have worked with local partners in regions such as Brazil Colombia, India, Peru and South Africa to develop life cycle inventory (LCI) data for core activities across a wide range of sectors.

More than 1,700 LCI datasets, as well as four LCI modelling tools, were developed through this project. These datasets and tools, as well as their accompanying documentation, are now available to download for free via the ecoinvent website.

The datasets have also been integrated into the latest update of the ecoinvent database, version 3.6. To upgrade your licence or gain access to the database, please read here.

Kind regards,
the ecoinvent team

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