26th IUGG General Assembly (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics). Prague, Czech Republic.
“Trends in noon and midnight foF2 related to greenhouse gases and Earth's magnetic field secular variation”, Javier Zamora, Nicolas Bachi, Ana G. Elias and Blas F. de Haro Barbas.
“Trends in the Equatorial Electrojet due to secular variations in the Earth’s magnetic field”, Bruno Zossi, Ana G. Elias, Marta Zossi and Blas F. de Haro Barbas.
“On long-term changes in the correlation between Southern Hemisphere precipitation and variations in SOI and solar activity”, Teresita Heredia and Ana G. Elias.
“Dependence on the filtering technique of the solar quasi-biennial oscillation and its link with the stratosphere QBO”, Victor E. Vilca, Ana G. Elias and Marta Zossi.
“Nighttime F2 layer trend analysis”, Ana G. Elias, Jose V. Venchiarutti and Blas F. de Haro.
7th Workshop “Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere”, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria.
“A comparative study of ionospheric conductivity variations due to solar activity and Earth magnetic field”, Bruno S. Zossi, Ana G. Elias, Blas F. de Haro Barbas and Marta Zossi.
“Effects of filtering solar activity from noon and midnight hmF2 to assess long-term variability”, Jose V. Venchiarutti, Ana G. Elias, Blas F. de Haro Barbas and Marta Zossi.
“Geomagnetic activity effect over continuous Doppler sounding records in Tucuman”, Mariano Fagre, Ana G. Elias, Miguel A. Cabrera and Jaroslav Chum.
“Ionospheric modeling for Over the Horizon Radar applications considering solar activity level”, Zenon Saavedra, Ana G. Elias and Miguel A. Cabrera.
XXII Jornada de Jovenes Investigadores AUGM, Valparaiso , Chile.
“Tendencias debido al aumento en la concentración de gases de efecto invernadero en parámetros ionosféricos medidos en estaciones del hemisferio sur”, Jose V. Venchiarutti y Ana G. Elías.
X COLAGE (Conferencia LatinoAmericana de Geofisica Espacial), Cusco, Peru.
“Reaction of the North Atlantic Oscillation to intense geomagnetic storms”, Gerardo L. Flores Ivaldi, Ana G. Elias, Marta Zossi and Teresita Heredia.
“NAO variations linked to geomagnetic activity”, Gerardo L. Flores Ivaldi and Ana G. Elias.
“Long-term variation of precipitation over two Southern Hemisphere locations linked to natural and anthropogenic forcings”, Teresita Heredia and Ana G. Elias.
“Study of the Ionosphere F2 layer response to Earth´s magnetic field secular variations using experimental data and IRI model “, J.V. Venchiarutti, A.G. Elías and B.F. de Haro Barbas.
8th Workshop on Long-Term Change and Trends in the Atmosphere, Cambridge, UK.
“foF2 long-term trends for periods including solar cycle 23”, Blas F. de Haro Barbas, Ana G. Elias, Kiyoto Shibasaki y Jonas R. Souza.
“Study of the equatorial electrojet and ExB plasma drift response to Earth’s magnetic field secular variations”, Jose V. Venchiarutti, Ana G. Elias y Blas F. de Haro Barbas.
“The effect of the dip equator secular displacement on low-latitude foF2 long term variation”, G. Elias, Doua A. Gnabahou y Frederic Ouattara.
IAGA 12th Scientific Meeting, Yucatan, Mexico.
“Geomagnetic and solar activity effects on precipitation”, Teresita Heredia and Ana G. Elias.
“Quasi-biennial oscillation in GPS VTEC measurements”, Amalia Meza, Laura I. Fernández, Ana G. Elías, and Teresita Heredia.
International CAWSES II Symposim, Nagoya, Japon.
“Comparison of measured and modeled foF2 during solar cycle 23 in the context of long term variations”, Ana G. Elias,Blas F. de Haro Barbas and Kiyoto Shibasaki.
“Filtering ionosphere parameters to detect trends linked to anthropogenic effects”, Ana G. Elias.
Fifth International Symposium on Space Climate, Oulu, Finland
“Solar influence on the long-term change in the ionosphere”, Ana G. Elias.
“Analysis of possible geomagnetic effects on the precipitation over Northwestern Argentina”, Teresita Heredia and Ana G. Elias, Regional WCRP/SPARC Workshop with focus on the Southern Hemisphere and South America, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Noviembre 2012.
“Tendencias en series de precipitación asociadas a la actividad solar y geomagnética”, Teresita Heredia y Ana G. Elias, XXVI Reunión Científica de la AAGG, Tucuman, Argentina, Noviembre de 2012.
“Variaciones a largo plazo en la ionosfera asociada a forzantes antropogénicos y naturales”, Ana G. Elias, XXVI Reunión Científica de la AAGG, Tucuman, Argentina, Noviembre de 2012.
“Variabilidad de la precipitación en Tucumán asociada a la actividad geomagnética”, Teresita Heredia y Ana G. Elias, VIII Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnologia del NOA, Tucuman, Argentina, Septiembre de 2012.
“Long-term trend of foF2 at a West African equatorial station”, Doua A. Gnabahou, Ana G. Elias and F. Ouattara, 7th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Septiembre 2012.
“Analysis of Sq long-term changes at low latitudes”, Blas F. de Haro Barbas, Ana G. Elias and Marta Zossi de Artigas, 7th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Septiembre 2012.
“Laboratorio de Física de la Atmósfera - FACET”, Nieves Ortiz de Adler, Ana G Elias, Marta Zossi de Artigas Gustavo A Mansilla, Teresita Heredia, Patricia M Fernández de Campra, Maria L Molina y Elda M Zotto, 1er Encuentro Científico de Investigadores de la FACET, ECIFACET12, Mayo 2012, Tucumán, Argentina, Mayo 2012.
"Periodicidad de 27 Días durante el Ciclo Solar 23 en las Actividades Solar y Geomagnética, y en los Parámetros del Viento Solar", Ana G. Elías, Virginia M. Silbergleit, Alicia C. de Gonzalez, y Patricia A. Larocca, 2nd Biennial Meeting of the Latin-American Association of Paleomagnetism and Geomagnetism (LATINMAG), Tandil, Argentina, Noviembre 2011.
“Tendencia en la región F de la ionosfera asociada a forzantes antropogénicos y naturales”, Ana G. Elias, III Jornadas del Programa Interdisciplinario de la Universidad de Buenos Aires sobre Cambio Climático (PIUBACC), “Cambio Climático: el desafío ambiental del siglo XXI”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Noviembre de 2011.
“Variación a largo plazo de la precipitación en Tucumán y asociación a forzantes naturales”, Teresita Heredia y Ana G. Elias, III Jornadas del Programa Interdisciplinario de la Universidad de Buenos Aires sobre Cambio Climático (PIUBACC), “Cambio Climático: el desafío ambiental del siglo XXI”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Noviembre de 2011.
“Trends in Sq Related to Secular Movements of the Magnetic Equator and Variations in the Earth’s Magnetic Field”, Blas F. de Haro Barbas, Marta Zossi de Artigas y Ana G. Elias, IX COLAGE, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Abril 2011.
“The Russell-McPherron Mechanism and Trends in the Semi-Annual Amplitude of Geomagnetic Activity”, Ana G. Elias, Alicia Clua de Gonzalez y Virgnia M. Silbergleit, IX COLAGE, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Abril 2011.
“Assessment of ionospheric conductivities over Tucuman (26.8°S, 65.2°W) using ionosonde observations”, Blas F. de Haro Barbas, Marta Zossi de Artigas, Ana G. Elias, and Victor H. Rios, AGU Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, Agosto 2010.
“Long-term variations in Sq related to greenhouse gases and Earth’s magnetic field”, Ana G. Elias, Marta Zossi de Artigas and Blas F. de Haro Barbas, 6th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Boulder, Colorado, Estados Unidos, Junio 2010.
“Trends in the equatorial F2 region due to secular variations in the Earth’s magnetic field”, Ana G. Elias, Marta Zossi de Artigas, Alberto J. Foppiano and Rodrigo Abarca del Rio, 6th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Boulder, Colorado, Estados Unidos, Junio 2010.
“Dependence on solar activity level of theoretical F2 layer trends due to Earth’s magnetic field variations”, Ana G. Elias, 11th IAGA Scientific Assembly (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Sopron, Hungría, Agosto 2009.
“Expected trends in the geomagnetic Sq field due to secular changes in the Earth’s magnetic field”, Ana G. Elias and Marta Zossi de Artigas, 11th IAGA Scientific Assembly (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Sopron, Hungría, Agosto 2009.
“Lower and middle atmosphere and ozone layer responses to solar variation”, Ana G. Elias, XXVII IAU General Assembly (International Astronomical Union), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Agosto 2009.
“Tendencias en el campo Sq asociadas a variaciones a largo plazo en el campo magnético terrestre”, Ana G. Elias y Marta Zossi de Artigas, XXIV Reunión Científica de la AAGG, Mendoza, Argentina, Abril 2009.
“Trends in the geomagnetic SQ Field linked to foE long-term variations”, AnaG. Elias and Marta Zossi de Artigas, 5th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Saint Petersburg, Septiembre 2008.
“Trends in the F2 ionospheric layer due to long-term variations in the Earth’s magnetic field”, AnaG. Elias, Invited Speech, 5th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Saint Petersburg, Septiembre 2008.
“Variation of low periodicity spectral components of geomagnetic activity”, Ana G. Elias, Virginia M. Silbergleit and Ana Curcio, 5th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Saint Petersburg, Septiembre 2008.
“The seasonal variations of dielectric losses in the ionospheric plasma” Ali Yesil, Ibrahim Unal and Ana G. Elias, 24th International Physics Congress, Malatya, Turquia, Agosto 2007.
“Determination of T and R coefficients of the polarized HF wave traveling vertically in ionospheric Plasma” Ibrahim Unal, Ali Yesil and Ana G. Elias, 24th International Physics Congress, Malatya, Turquia, Agosto 2007.
“Variability of the Northwest Argentina Depression, the Southern Oscillation and aa Indices”, Teresita Heredia and Ana G. Elias, VIII COLAGE, Merida, Mexico, Julio 2007.
“Solar activity and the quasi-decadal variation of running correlations involving the QBO”, Ana G. Elias and Marta Zossi de Artigas, VIII COLAGE, Merida, Mexico, Julio 2007.
“Assessment of the variation of foF2 hysteresis latitudinal pattern through the IRI2000 model”, Nieves Ortiz de Adler and Ana G. Elias, VIII COLAGE, Merida, Mexico, Julio 2007.
“Relative magnitude according to the epsilon parameter of the May and August 2005 intense substorms within the 1964-2005 period”, Ana G. Elias and Virginia M. Silbergleit, Virtual Workshop: The State of the Sun-Earth System During Extreme Space Weather. Return to the Auroral Oval for the Anniversary of the IGY (http://workshops.jhualp.edu/s1/indes.html), Applied Physcis Laboratory (APL), The Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA, Noviembre 2006.
“Aplicación y evaluación de un método dinámico de enseñanza-aprendizaje”, Susana Pedrosa, Antonio Pérez Gómez, Ana G. Elías y Pedro C. Brito, V Congreso Argentino de Enseñanza de la Ingeniería, Mendoza, Argentina, Septiembre 2006.
“Long-term changes in the geomagnetic Sq field”, Ana G. Elias and Marta Zossi de Artigas, 4th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Sodankyla, Finlandia, Septiembre 2006.
“Long-term variation of strong geomagnetic storms and its effect on ionospheric and telluric currents”, Ana G. Elias and Virgina M. Silbergleit, 4th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Sodankyla, Finlandia, Septiembre 2006.
“Latitudinal variation of foF2 hysteresis for solar cycles 20, 21 and 22”, Nieves Ortiz de Adler and Ana G. Elias, 4th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Sodankyla, Finlandia, Septiembre 2006.
“Earth magnetic field variation effects on long-term trends in the F2 layer”, Ana G. Elias and Nieves Ortiz de Adler, 4th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Sodankyla, Finlandia, Septiembre 2006.
“Long-term changes in strong geomagnetic storms”, Virginia M. Silbergleit and Ana G. Elias, 36th COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, Julio 2006.
“Effects over the ionosphere of strong tropical cyclones”, Marta Zossi de Artigas, Carlos R. Martinis and Ana G. Elias, 10th IAGA Scientific Assembly (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Toulouse, Francia, Julio 2005.
“Geomagnetic activity and the equatorial stratosphere QBO”, Ana G. Elias and Marta Zossi de Artigas, 10th IAGA Scientific Assembly (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Toulouse, Francia, Julio 2005.
“Changes of the association between stratospheric temperature and solar activity along three solar cycles”, Nieves Ortiz de Adler and Ana G. Elias, 10th IAGA Scientific Assembly (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), IAGA 2005, Toulouse, Francia, Julio 2005.
“The QBO in the equatorial stratosphere and in solar activity: A statistical experiment”, Ana G. Elias and Marta Zossi de Artigas, 10th IAGA Scientific Assembly (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Toulouse, Francia, Julio 2005.
“Geomagnetic storms and Earth magnetic field variations effect on long term-trends in the F2 layer, Ana G. Elias and Nieves Ortiz de Adler, 10th IAGA Scientific Assembly (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Toulouse, Francia, Julio 2005.
“Long-Term Trends in foF2: A Comparison of Various Methods”, J. Lastovicka, A.V. Mikhailov, T. Ulich, J. Bremer, A.G. Elias, N. Ortiz de Adler, A.J. Foppiano, V. Jara, R. Abarca del Rio, and E. Ovalle, AGU 2005 Joint Assembly, New Orleans, Louisiana, Estados Unidos, Mayo 2005.
“Sistema de enseñanza-aprendizaje por adquisición y revalorización de competencias”, Antonio Perez Gomez, Susana Pedrosa, Ana G. Elias y Pedro C. Brito, 89ava Reunión Anual de la AFA, Bahia Blanca, Argentina, Septiembre 2004.
“Variabilidad de parámetros del medio interplanetario y su relación con indices geomagnéticos”, Patricia Fernandez de Campra, Marta Zossi de Artigas y Ana G. Elias, XXII Reunión Científica de la AAGG, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Septiembre 2004.
“Estudio de la variabilidad del número de tormentas geomagnéticas durante las distintas fases del ciclo solar”, Marta Zossi de Artigas, Ana G. Elias y Patricia Fernandez de Campra, XXII Reunión Científica de la AAGG, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Septiembre 2004.
“foF2 long-term trend estimation taking into account the hysteresis effect”, Ana G. Elías and Nieves Ortiz de Adler, 3rd Workshop on Long Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Junio 2004.
“Association of stratospheric temperature and ozone content with solar activity: Changes along three solar cycles”, Nieves Ortiz de Adler and Ana G. Elias, 3rd Workshop on Long Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Junio 2004.
“Discrete wavelet analysis to assess long-term trends in geomagnetic activity”, Ana G. Elias, Marta Zossi de Artigas and Patricia Fernandez de Campra, 3rd Workshop on Long Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Junio 2004.
“Long-term trends of the magnetospheric ring current”, Patricia Fernandez de Campra, Marta Zossi de Artigas and Ana G. Elias, VII COLAGE, Atibaia, San Pablo, Brazil, Marzo 2004.
“Long-term Trends in foF2 at the Southern Crest of the Equatorial Anomaly”, Ana G. Elias and Nieves Ortiz de Adler, VII COLAGE, Atibaia, San Pablo, Brazil, Marzo 2004.
“The equatorial stratospheric QBO and geomagnetic activity”, Marta Zossi de Artigas and Ana G. Elias, VII COLAGE, Atibaia, San Pablo, Brazil, Marzo 2004.
“Effects of volcanic eruptions over the ionosphere based on hourly records”, Argelia H.C. de Ragone, Ana G. Elias, Marta Z. de Artigas and Amalia F. de Manzano, XXI Reunión Científica de la AAGG, Rosario, Argentina, Septiembre 2002.
“The ExB drift contribution to the F2 region ionization of a low latitude station”, Teresita Heredia and Ana G. Elias, VI COLAGE, Concepción, Chile, Octubre 2001.
“Preliminar study of a possible ionospheric response to the QBO”, Marta Z. de Artigas, Nieves O. de Adler and Ana G. Elias, VI COLAGE, Concepción, Chile, Octubre 2001.
“Volcanic eruption effects over the upper ionosphere”, Argelia C. de Ragone, Amalia F. de Manzano, Ana G. Elias and Marta Z. de Artigas, VI COLAGE, Concepción, Chile, Octubre 2001.
“A search for a solar cycle-tropical stratosphere temperature relationship”, Nieves O. de Adler and Ana G. Elias, VI COLAGE, Concepción, Chile, Octubre 2001.
“Long term decreasing of the ionospheric F2 Layer peak height at a southern low latitude station”, Nieves O. de Adler, Ana G. Elias and Teresita Heredia, 2nd Workshop on Long-term changes and trends in the atmosphere, Praga, República Checa, Julio 2001.
“Long-term trends of the monthly mean zonal wind in the equatorial stratosphere”, Ana G. Elias, Marta Z. de Artigas and Nieves O. de Adler, 2nd Workshop on Long-term changes and trends in the atmosphere, Praga, República Checa, Julio 2001.
“Solar Variability associated to ionospheric, stratospheric and tropospheric parameters”, Nieves O. de Adler and Ana G. Elias, First Solar and Space Weather Euroconference “The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate”, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España, Septiembre 2000.
“The 1940’s temperature decrease in locations of Argentina”, Teresita Heredia, Nieves O. de Adler and Ana G. Elias, First Solar and Space Weather Euroconference “The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate”, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España, Septiembre 2000.
“Association between Tucuman temperature anomaly and the solar cycle length”, Nieves O. de Adler and Ana G. Elias, 6th ICSHMO (International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography), Santiago de Chile, Chile, Abril 2000.