General Information

IMPORTANT: please notice that MECOM 2018 will be held at UNSTA venue (Av. Perón 2085, Yerba Buena, Tucumán.). For more information see venue.

ENIEF/MECOM congress series are annual meetings organized with the auspice of the Argentine Association of Computational Mechanics to promote the diffusion of scientific and technological information related to Computational Methods in Engineering, to favour the exchange of experiences related to the scientific and professional use of numerical methods and computational techniques, not only for research purposes but also for technology transfer to the industrial sector, to promote research and learning of basic theories of Computational Mechanics and to promote the exchange of information and scientific and technological works.

Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
Invited Speakers
Important dates
Papers submission
Posters competition
VIII Meeting of Open­FOAM users


Organizing Committee



Scientific Committee


Invited speakers [see more]

  • Prof. M. H. Ferri Aliabadi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College, England.
  • Prof. Sergio Idelsohn, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – CIMNE, Spain.
  • Prof. Eddie Koen­ders, Te­ch­nis­che Uni­ver­sität Darms­tadt, Germany.
  • Prof. Rai­nald Loh­ner, Cen­ter for Compu­tatio­nal Fluid Dy­na­mics, Co­lle­ge of Scien­ce, Geor­ge Mason Uni­ver­sity, Fair­fax, Vir­gi­nia, USA.
  • Prof. Anna Pan­dol­fi, Po­li­tec­ni­co di Mi­lano, Italy.
  • Prof. Areti Papastavrou, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Building Services Engineering, Germany.
  • Prof. Paul Stein­mann, Frie­drich-Ale­xan­der-Uni­ver­sität Erian­gen-Nürn­berg, Germany.

Keynote Lectures

  • Dr. Jan Červenka. Director Ejecutivo de Červenka Consulting y principal responsable del desarrollo del programa ATENA, Czech Republic.
  • Prof. Peter Hagedorn. Director del Instituto de Mecánica, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany.


Topics [see more]

  1. Acoustics and vibrations
  2. Structural analysis
  3. Applications to nuclear power reactors
  4. Wavelets applications
  5. Industrial applications
  6. High performance computing
  7. Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modeling
  8. Structural dynamics
  9. Teaching of numerical methods
  10. Multiphase flow and transport in porous media and microscale
  11. Mathematical foundations of numerical methods
  12. Computational fluid mechanics
  13. Solid mechanics
  14. Failure modeling of materials
  15. Modeling of multibody systems
  16. Multi-scale modeling of materials
  17. Computational modeling in bioengineering, biomechanics and biomedical systems
  18. Multi-physics
  19. Optimization and control: theory and applications
  20. Heat and mass transfer


Important dates

  • Sessions proposal: Up to February 23, 2018
  • Abstracts submission: Up to April 30, 2018Up to May 14, 2018. Up to May 18, 2018
  • Notification of accepted abstracts: Up to May 30, 2018. New date: Up to June 8, 2018
  • Full paper Submission: Up to July 20, 2018. Up to August 4, 2018. Up to August 13, 2018. Up to August 20, 2018
  • Notification of full paper evaluation: Up to August 20, 2018. Up to September 4, 2018
  • Corrected full paper submission: Up to September 5, 2018New date: Up to September 20, 2018
  • Notification of  corrected full paper evaluation: Up to September 20, 2018New date: Up to October 4, 2018


Papers submission [see more]

The abstract and paper submission will be done through OCS system of AMCA. For that purpose, the author should go into the following link and follow the instruction:

Note: for consults and/or problems with OCS system please contact amca.ocs.sup­

Abstracts and papers should be written following AMCA style that is available for download in:



Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología – Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT)

Av. Independencia 1800. CP 4000

San Miguel de Tucumán

Tel/Fax: +54-381-4364087

