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Damián E. Ramajo

Javier Salomone

Gonzalo Mognol



The objective of the session is to show cases of application of numerical methods for the resolution of engineering problems derived from industrial, governmental activity, etc. It is intended to generate a discussion area where the working groups related to this topic can show their progress and raise the difficulties, pending issues and proposed solutions, tending to provide ever more complete and accurate answers to the problems posed by the industrial sector .


  • Industrial facilities: process industry, petrochemical, metallurgical, etc.
  • Machines: mechanical solicitations, external and internal flow in components.
  • Structures: support systems, transport systems, static and dynamic loads, vibrations, etc.
  • Vehicles: dynamic behavior, structural demands and external aerodynamics, interior flow in rooms, internal combustion engines.
  • Vehicles: dynamic behavior, structural demands and external aerodynamics, interior flow in rooms, internal combustion engines.
  • Manufacturing processes: simulation of manufacturing metal parts, composite materials, etc.
  • Modeling of physical and chemical processes of industrial application: processes with mass and energy transfer, multiphase and multicomponent systems.
  • Failure analysis and forensic engineering: expert reports, fault study.
  • FEA and CFD for the design and optimization of devices.