Dear members of the IFEES and GEDC communities:
We are pleased to inform you that effective March 1, IFEES and the GEDC have become independent of ASEE. This decision, reached by mutual consent and agreement, is consistent with the original vision of the founders of our organizations. We want to express our thanks and appreciation to ASEE for its support over the past six years and look forward to maintaining a constructive, win-win relationship that continues to strengthen engineering education globally.
We are proud of our accomplishments but look forward to expanding and deepening the impact of our work in the years ahead, as well as developing an effective strategy for the sustainability of both organizations. We are pleased to confirm, and he has accepted, Hans J Hoyer’s continuing leadership role of the combined Secretariat. He will depart from ASEE on June 17, 2012 and devote his full attention to IFEES/GEDC/IIDEA and has agreed to do so at a reduction of his current salary. We are in discussions with various IFEES/GEDC members to provide support to the Secretariat during this time of transition. The leadership will keep all members informed about the ongoing transition over the next few months. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
We look forward to see all of you during the WEEF Buenos Aires 2012 in October and are pleased to inform you that our preparatory work for the WEEF is moving forward smoothly.
Warm regards,
Krishna Vedula, President of IFEES Sarah Rajala, Chair of GEDC
I am happy to report the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), and its component activity the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC), is gaining full independent status from ASEE, effective today, March 1.
ASEE was a founding entity of IFEES when it was created in 2006 in Rio de Janiero – with former ASEE executive director Frank Huband instrumental in this process – with the goal of taking a global view of the concept that engineering can reduce poverty, boost socio-economic development, and inform decisions for sustainable development. IFEES has furthered its work since that time with an annual summit, its Indo/U.S. Collaborative for Engineering Education, and global student initiative.
As can be seen from the IFEES web site (, IFEES has been very successful in developing its membership comprising engineering education-related societies and corporations, and it has initiated numerous activities to further engineering education globally. The GEDC was developed through IFEES, and this organization mirrors to an extent the Engineering Deans Council of ASEE.
Since IFEES’ founding, ASEE has served as its secretariat and managing body. However given IFEES’ current state of self-sufficiency, it no longer needs ASEE’s management services and, as an independent 501(c)(3), assumes independent control of its management and operations. This eliminates ASEE’s financial obligations for IFEES. ASEE will maintain a close relationship with the organization, of course, via participation in its events and with our own Director of International Programs, Hans Hoyer, continuing to serve as the secretary general of IFEES and executive secretary of GEDC. In addition, ASEE is cosponsoring with IFEES the World Engineering Education Forum in Buenos Aires in October of this year.
I believe this is an example where ASEE saw a need to help expand engineering education efforts globally and took a leadership role in catalyzing an international “federation of federations.” Sincere thanks from all of the international community should go to Hans, who played a key role in this development. We look forward to continued collaboration with IFEES and the GEDC in these global efforts.
(Don Giddens is current ASEE president)
Alaia Guruciaga
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