The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) has a mandate, as outlined in the South African National Space Agency Act, 2008 (Act No 36 of 2008), to co-ordinate and integrate national space science and technology programmes and conduct long-term planning and implementation of space related activities in South Africa, for the benefit of the citizens of South Africa.
SANSA Space Science is a Directorate of SANSA situated in Hermanus, Western Cape. It forms part of the worldwide network of magnetic observatories, monitors and models variations of the Earth’s magnetic field, and carries out space physics research. SANSA Space Science is host to the only Space Weather Regional Warning Centre in Africa. The SANSA Space Weather Centre in Hermanus provides forecasts and warnings of space weather events, as well as research and development of space weather products and services to the nation.
More information on SANSA and the Space Science Directorate in attachment:
– Solar Physics Postdoc.pdf